It has to be said that pancakes are not eaten in our house as often as Id like. Whilst I can make a good batter mixture, I am useless at cooking and flipping them, and that role has always been assumed by the males in our family. There is a great pressure with the children watching that you don't drop it or mangle it, and the sharp intake of breath as the said pancake leaves the frying pan and flies through the air in what feels like slow motion, followed by the large cheer and round of applause as it lands perfectly, is too much for me to bear. It seems that Pancake day this year has unlocked something in us all, as since then, they have been a frequent visitor to our dining table. Some days have seen the traditional lemon and sugar, alternatives have been mashed banana and honey (those who come to Music Train will be singing the infamous banana song and no doubt "mashing" as you read), and my current favourite is cherries and ice cream. The boys have both enjoyed under the supervision of Dosh (their grandad) trying out their tossing skills with remarkable accuracy.
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