Wednesday, 6 April 2011


My life seems to have been an absolute emotional rollercoaster over the last three months, and it's not going to stop here. Having agreed to make the move back to Hertfordshire, transferring schools for Jamie wasn't as straight forward as Id have liked. So we have decided for the time being to slow the move right down and Dean has agreed to commute for a while so that he can assess the work situation before we all jump ship. The children can continue at their school and pre-school respectively which they both love and I too can carry on with Music Train. I will be able to remain around my tight network of friends and have the nearby support of most of my family, and on Deans weekends home, we will be able to enjoy quality family time together. We will be able to enjoy our home together once the refurbishment is complete (we're still on schedule for June) - it has been no fun for anyone living on a building site for the last 18 months and although a commute is far from ideal, it will at least give everyone some breathing space and time to make sure decisions aren't rushed. So that's things as they stand at the moment........  

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