I have neglected you, failed to tend to & nurture you. Let me offer up an explanation to see if I am worthy of forgiveness.
1) Easter holidays - consisted of sun, the gnome reserve, chocolate, a trip to Atlantic village to experience the pirate ship (twice), a day with my eldest to Westward Ho! in sweltering temperatures using up our 2ps in the arcade & eating chips on the beach, (does anyone know the relevance of the explanation mark after the name of the said ho!) Glowing with pride watching the London marathon knowing that thedaytodavis was running her little cotton socks off in aid of the NSPCC, gave my Music Train equipment a thorough clean as I moved out of the old and into the new. Ate more Easter eggs, caught up with friends although not as many as I'd have liked. Had a bit more chocolate, visited the library ***note to self remember to return books this Friday***, slept under canvas in mums garden, got sunstroke after a day out at Crealy (Exeter)....am I forgiven yet?? Nope, okay then, lets also try.....
2) Last week - The small matter of the Royal Wedding to watch. Couldn't tear myself away. I wouldn't want to be in Kate's shoes for all the tea in china but she looked stunningly beautiful, and I felt they looked very much in love. I just hope they are allowed to enjoy their life and love together without too much press intrusion - here's hoping. The boys and I made our own flags early that morning and whilst I was glued, they dipped in and out of it, Jamie more than Stanley.
Then there was a trip to Hertfordshire for the topic box meeting accompanied on the journey by my mum. We ran into a man (not literally) at a petrol station on the outward bound journey who is definitely famous but neither of us can recall exactly who he is. Guess he can't be that famous then. Also for a bit of light relief after washing my hands at said services, I noticed the strength of the hand dryer was unusually efficient and caused the skin on the back of my hands to contort in all sorts of weird and wonderful shapes. It got me wondering as to what other parts of my body may look like being blown by the Dyson. Answer is flipping terrible but it made mum laugh. Upper arms or should I say slowly developing bingo wings were wobbled profusely, as was my tummy when I limboed underneath it. Never trying that again.
3) This week so far - Did all my lesson prep, and taught the 6 classes for the first time in my newly smelling, beautifully painted and it has to be said very welcoming new premises. The feedback from the mummy's have been very positive which is also so far my experience of all who work there. The room is very light and airy and I have more space here to store my equipment which is great for me. Saves my back and means I am driving less of it around in my car which can only be a good thing as far as fuel consumption goes. I have also been working hard to get photos and blurb done for Deans new website ready for the launch of COASTAL CARPENTRY......watch this space. All this whilst still living with my parents while the renovations trundle on - 4 more weeks and Id like to think we would be able to start thinking about moving back home again.
4) Finally, tomorrow I have a wedding with a difference of my own to attend. What sort of people let me know they want my attendance the day before the event? How well prepared can the bride and groom be at such sort notice? What the hell am I going to wear when most of my clothes are buried in the back of the lock up unit? And what will Stanley have to wear that is suitable for him being the pageboy? I'll tell you. Stanley's pre-school are holding a mock wedding in our village church hosted by the local vicar and we are all invited to celebrate the occasion. Should be quite amusing I'm guessing, very cute and I cant wait to see who is actually getting married. That'll be one for the Parish News.
I must say your absence was noted, but I, atleast, forgive you since you've done not 1 but 2 brilly posts and one of them mentions me. I'm loving the hand drier revelations... xxx