Well, 2 months down and 3 weeks to go.
It has been a very unique couple of months living back with my mum and dad, and when some families would have murdered each other under the intensity of having parents, youngest brother, me & hubby, 2 children, 3 dogs and at the last count 5 cats under the same roof, not to forget 2 ponies, 4 sheep, a handful of chickens and the cat protection pen in the 'garden' whom mum fosters for, (sharp intake of breath), in a warped way for the most part, it has been quite enjoyable.
Its funny how the generations do things differently, for example how we bring our children up today compared with how we were raised, the different routines that people adopt etc. Jamie has absolutely thrived on the experience that's for sure. He's had one of his uncles playing football with him in the field most days after school/dinner which has kept him fit and active, infact that's something we've all joined in with from time to time. He's also really relished time with nanny and dosh (the name dosh came to be when Jamie couldn't pronounce pops when he was younger, and so DOSH just stuck!) Jamie will definitely miss the cuddles, the listening ears and the treats that come from living with such a lovely pair of grandparents.
Mum and dad wont miss the chaos that comes with 2 children I shouldn't think. My parents moved down here for the rural and remote setting, the quiet retreat, and the comings and goings of family life has simply taken over. I feel we are a whirlwind that has decided upon Worden and that doesn't sit comfortably with me. I don't pretend to be the tidiest person in the world but at least my clothes haven't ended up on the roof this time (that's a story from my teenage years-I'll save that for another day). Juggling the school and pre-school runs, lesson planning and teaching, organising the launch of Deans new website and helping steer his business in an exciting new direction, trying to keep on top of 2 sets of accounts (but failing with this one I feel), endeavouring to maintain some form of a social life (not doing too well with that one either, sorry girls), helping with decisions on the renovation project, getting Jamie through his first set of SATS, trying to remain human throughout it all, it has been nothing short of bedlam, but we are nearly there and I cant wait to breath a sigh of relief and hopefully take my foot off the accelerator for a while.
We are forever grateful for the roof my parents have offered to our family unit, for the dinners cooked nearly ever night (god damn, I'll have to start baking, boiling, brewing, browning, frying, grilling, heating, roasting, simmering, sizzling, steaming, stewing and toasting again soon, boo). For putting the washing machine under intense pressure, for the support, the ideas, the laughs, the pancakes, the honesty........ We love you lots and look forward to being able to give you your house back, not necessarily as we found it, and welcoming you to what will feel like our new home for a meal around the table (something we hadn't had room for for nearly 18 months). Excited to see what awaits us around the next corner.......
Sounds like exciting times are ahead for everyone! Can't wait to have you back on the "street" soon x